

I recommend Robin McKenzies book treat your own back or neck. Professor Bob Lewin’s book is also worth a read to help you cope with your pain. Its a great primer for anyone contemplating a Pain Management Program.
Neville Shone’s book Coping Successfully with Chronic Pain remains a classic and a really helpful read.
Losing weight is a challenge. There is no secret method, it takes discipline & you need to find a method that fits with your lifestyle. I recommend my patients consider some type of fasting regime. I have listed a few resources for you to look at for this. Click here for a link on fasting dieting.


I also recommend patients consider using some technology to aid their weight loss and lifestyle change. I use Withings Scales and their App


I recommend to anyone with a persistant widespread pain problem to try a 3-6 month course of milk keffir. Particularly if they suffer from Migraine and or IBS