“I don’t know where to begin. I cannot thank you enough for the help and kindness you showed me when I saw you in late July. I was overwhelmed by your concern and kindness and will never ever forget how you treated me.”

So a bit about me..
I qualified from The London Hospital Medical College in 1990 with a medical degree from the University of London, MBBS , after working for a while in and around London, I moved back to Manchester and trained as an Anaesthetist, gaining my fellowship from the Royal College of Anaesthesia, FRCA in 1996, subspecialising in Pain Medicine & extending my training by a year as a Macmillan Pain Medicine Fellow at the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Liverpool, I was granted FFPMRCA, the Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine in 2002.
I was appointed as an NHS Consultant in Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine at The University Hospitals of South Manchester (UHSM) NHS Trust in 2001. Between 2004 and 2014 I was the clinical lead for the Pain Medicine Service. Since 2012 I have focused working solely as a Pain Medicine Clinician. I was appointed as the Director of UHSM Academy in December 2013, the learning and development arm of UHSM. I am a council member of the Royal Society of Medicine’s Telehealth Committee. I enjoy lecturing and some of my lectures will be viewable here.